Ellwood Safety's Sankey Foot Guards are metal shields worn over shoes for maximum protection to the entire foot-instep as well as toes-against falling, rolling, or flying objects or accidental tool blows. They are designed to withstand an impact of 75 foot pounds, with a large safety factor designed in. More>> |
Formed to the contour of the leg, with reinforcing ribs for extra strength and rigidity. Sponge pads, top and bottom inside, add comfort, absorb shock. Maximum shin protection with totally free foot and leg movement. Plastic won't lose shape due to dampness. More>> |
Ellwood Safety's Metatarsal Guards are designed to be worn with most types of Safety Toe Shoes or Boots to provide comfortable low cost metatarsal protection. Two styles of Metatarsal Guards are offered, with the #800 recommended for shoes or boots with laces, and #801 to be used with shoes or boots with no laces. More>> |
Maximum resistance to impact, penetration. Built of aircraft quality aluminum alloy 12" high, 5" wide at top, 3" wide at bottom. Padded top and bottom to absorb shock, provide comfort: attached at top and bottom with 5/8" web straps. Moisture will not cause deterioration. More>> |